La Belle Assemblee May, 1806
La Belle Assemblee started publishing about 1806 in London. It built on the previously successful magazines that carried fashion prints such as the Women's Monthly Museum and Ladies Magazine.
La Belle Assemblee March 1806 Court Dress
The contuinuing necessity of hooped skirts for court presentations did not align well with fashionable high waists. Women, for a number of years, looked like gowned plum puddings with feathers on the top.
La Belle Assemblee June 1806
These high waisted-gowns emphasized the bustline while complimenting the long line with attractive draperies to the floor, many with trains, which must have complicated the trek through muddy, manure-laden streets.
La Belle Asemblee March, 1807
There are many riding habits among LBA fahion plates, but above is one of the few that includes the horse.
La Belle Assemblee June, 1807
All the fashion plates were printed in black and white and MOST were painted by young women and children before they were distributed to subscribers. Occasionally one can find examples of the same fashions painted in different colors.
La Belle Assemblee July 1807
The gown is supposedly on worn at Court by the Princess of Wales. Poor thing.
La Belle Assemblee August 1807
La Belle Assemblee September 1807
Amng the most popular plates are the ones with children included. wonder if this is a little boy or a girl? Perhaps the blue sash is a clue.
La Belle Assemblee October 1807
One of the frustrations of dealing with these lovely images is that the numbering system varied over the years. At first, I believe they put the August plates in the July Issue, the October plates in the September issue. But according to some experts, this dating system changed from time to time.
La Belle Assemblee, March 1808
Another plum pudding Court Dress
La Belle Assemblee, April 1808
La Belle Assemblee September 1808
La Belle Assemblee, October 1808
La Belle Assemblee February 1809

La Belle Assemblee April 1809

La Belle Assemblee May 1809
La Belle Assemblee September, 1809
La Belle Assemblee December 1809