After a week driving around Hampshire, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire, we drove to Heathrow and dropped off our car. I cannot get over how much more stressful driving in England has become over the last fifteen or so years. I used to enjoy the challenge of driving on the left, but the traffic has grown so dreadful, with huge lorries and great volume of speeders, I no longer want to do it very much. Ed doesn't like it much either! So we were glad to be rid of the car. Above, a shot of the new terminal
which we walked through to catch the train into Paddington: the Heathrow Express. Paddington, right, has a rather Victorian feel, a sharp contrast to the new Heathrow space. Somehow, no matter the updating and modern amenities, these old railroad stations have that 19th century feel to them.
We stayed in St. James, at the Cavendish Hotel, corner of Jermyn Street and Duke Street, just the street from Fortnum and Mason. Though this is a concrete behemoth, it is the site of the famous hotel run by one of King Edward VII's mistesses, the famous Duchess of Duke Street, subject of a well-known PBS series, made in England of course. The Cavendish was an excellent location, just a block off Piccadilly and a neighbor not only of F&M, but of Hatchards and the Royal Academy.
Nice rooms and a great view from upstairs.
Nice rooms and a great view from upstairs.

We had several visits planned for research purposes, especially to the Scotland Office in Whitehall, the former house lived in by the Melbourne family when Emily was a young girl.
Whitehall's sidewalks, aka pavements, were all torn up but we persevered and were taken around to the main floor rooms, which are occupied by the Scotland office. Through the rear windows, we saw the bands proacticing for the upcoming Trooping the Colour to celebrate the Queen's Birthday. I took some interior shots, though our guide was very nervous about it. Perhaps she thought I was a spy. From the Wales office??
The foyer is very impressive, looking upward toward the low rotunda and across the marble floor to the entrance.
Another of my delightful tasks while in London in may of 2009 was to follow the maps laid out by the Royal Academey exhibition of Palladian influences in Georgian architecture. I had downloaded their brochures, though the show itself was sadly concluded. On our walks around Mayfair and Westminster, we were able to see many 9of the buildings described, as below, two views of Berkely Square.
As I recall, this house was used by some American leaders during the Revolutionary war and early Federal Period. Need to renew my research!Later, the Palmerstons lived here at a building known today either as the In and Out Club, after the signs on the posts along Piccadilly, or Cambridge House, for it was once the residence of the Duke of Cambridge. Before the Pamerstons lived there (1855-65), others occupied the house, including the infamous first Marquess of Cholmondeley (1749-1827)who was a protector of Grace Eliot and a famous man about town. The house number is 94 Piccadilly. Recently I saw an article that said a recent deal to turn the house into a hotel and casino had fallen through. It is a Grade I Listed property. I may offer to rent it for a pound a year. You'd have to bring your own furniture if you visited me there. But no problem!!
Just a short walk from our hotel on Jermyn Street was the statue of Beau Brummell.
And not far away, across Piccadilly, is the Royal Academey of Arts. We watched them erect a new sculpture in the courtyard.
Two friends (Winnie and FDR) chat on a London street.
Two views of The Criterion Restaurant where we had a snack before attending a play at the underground Criterion Theatre.
The play we saw was a wonderful British farce The 39 Steps, based on the novel and inspried by the Hitchcock film. Four actors performed all the parts and it was brilliant.
Fianlly, two shots from nearby Piccadilly. A window at Fortnum & Mason.
And a front door of wonderful Hatchards Bookstore, there since 1797.
As soon as I come home from England, I start dreaming about the next visit.